Divine Liturgy
“The Divine Liturgy is considered the most significant ancient Christian service, not so much for its phrasing and words as for its meaning. In fact, the Divine Liturgy was in practice right after the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Disciples of Christ on the 50th day after His Resurrection, as the sacred writer of the Acts of the Apostles records (Acts 2:46 ff). ” ~Rev. George Mastrantonis
For a detailed description of the Divine Liturgy click here.
We celebrate the Divine Liturgy every Sunday, as well as, Liturgies for major feast days (For the feast days please see our Calendar and Service Schedule for specific times and dates).
Sundays - Orthros starts 8:30am, Divine Liturgy follows at 10:00 am.
Requirements for Holy Communion
· Baptism/Chrismation in the Orthodox Church
· Participation in Holy Confession on a regular basis
· Proper prayer and fasting prior to receiving Holy Communion
· Good standing with the Orthodox church (e.g. have had their marriage blessed, if married, in the Orthodox Church)
Fellowship following the Divine Liturgy
On Sundays please join us in the Church’s Ballroom, following the Divine Liturgy, for fellowship.
For more information, please contact the Church Office at
Sts Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church
3459 Manchester Avenue
Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA 92007
Tel: 760-942-0920